A blepharoplasty is a great surgery for patients with baggy-looking eyes. While patients can enjoy a younger-looking appearance, the surgery isn’t without risks. Here are the risks and recovery process of a blepharoplasty, so you can make an informed decision about undergoing the procedure.
Common risks of blepharoplasty
It’s always good to learn about the possible side effects of a medical procedure. While your doctor will do his best to reduce the possibility of these outcomes, risks include:
- Infection and bleeding after the operation
It’s easy for eyes to become infected after a surgical procedure. To reduce the chance of infection, follow your doctor’s hygiene guidelines and talk to your nurse if you experience any discomfort.
- Dry, painful, or irritated eyes
Whether you choose lower eyelid surgery or upper eyelid surgery, you’re probably going to experience irritation, including dryness and uncomfortable pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your surgeon who can provide relief without compromising your recovery.
- Tighter eyelids or difficulty closing your eyes fully
It’s not uncommon to experience a tighter sensation as you adjust to your new eyes. However, in very rare cases patients experience difficulty closing their eyes, which may require surgery to resolve if they can’t keep their eyes shut when they sleep.
- Visible scar tissue and skin tone changes
All surgeries come with the chance of scar tissue or skin tone changes. This is especially the case with eye tissue, which is much thinner than the skin on other parts of your body. Scar tissue can be fixed, so don’t let it put you off improving your eye area if excess skin and fat are an issue for you.
- Eye muscle injury, blurred vision, or sight loss
In rare cases, a blepharoplasty can cause serious side effects, such as muscle injury, blurred vision, or sight loss. Each issue requires a new assessment to determine the best treatment plan, but in most cases, these conditions can be overcome.
- General surgical side effects
Side effects include allergies to anesthesia, blood clots during or after procedures, and professional malpractice. Always inform your doctor of any allergies, problems no matter how small, and check to ensure your surgeon is a fully registered professional.
Recovering from a blepharoplasty
The typical patient’s eyes will feel sore, swollen, and weepy. It’s normal to experience light sensitivity, and slightly blurred vision immediately post-op, but this will go away within the next few days. For the first week following surgery, you’ll be given pain medication, as well as a lotion for your stitches. Cold compressions reduce swelling and eye drops prevent painful dry eyes.
Blepharoplasty patients can resume their normal life around ten days following surgery, depending on the outcome of their follow up appointment with their surgeon.

Joe Webster is a freelance writer and editor living in Illinois. He studied creative writing at the University of Missouri and is known for his vibrant stories and unique take on topics. Joe has been writing and editing for over six years and loves exploring different cultures and languages. He is passionate about making meaningful connections with readers, enabling them to grow through his writing.